Have you wondered how to have a career that allows you to explore different fields, skills, and cultures? I did. For me, it was always a dream to have multiple and diverse experiences where I can learn and grow. A few years ago, I didn’t know how to fit this within one career. However, this …
Sustainability: Making a big difference with small things
Whether for convenience, to save time, or simply because it’s more practical – we are, or rather were, used to taking the car and eating out of disposable packaging. The consequences are tangible. At Tractebel we can and want to take measures to counteract this. It’s not even that difficult. In this article, we explain …
Power System Resilience: A critical Concern for the Modern World
Imagine you are taking a tube and suddenly it stops – everything goes dark.Imagine you are in hospital and reliant on machines that suddenly run out of power.It does not need a worst-case scenario to imagine the effect of a power outage. We even rely on electricity during our daily routine, e.g., to pay for …